What Seeds Were Planted In You At A Young Age And Still Growing Today?
A fact of life...seeds were planted in your subconscious mind and body, and have been growing without awareness for years...not all of these seeds were healthy or beneficial...and can serve as a block to what you consciously want in your life. These seeds can serve as an unknown wall acting against all conscious efforts that you make.
Here is an example that I wanted to share and spell out. I ask that you read this with non-judgment of any party involved:
A client came to me post-divorce, wanting to lose weight to improve her health after having tried all the usual measures and methods (diets and exercise), but unsuccessful in her attempts.
When I asked her why she got divorced, she said "because he was always criticizing me and I couldn't take it anymore."
Note: the extra weight was serving as protection against the verbal attack/criticism. The body will not let go of it's protection mechanism if it feels unsafe, or feels it is being attacked. Whether mentally, verbally, emotionally, physically, or even psychically...and whether by you or another.
When I asked her what drew her to marry him in the first place, her response was "Because no one else asked."
I felt nothing but pain in my heart when she said this. With utter compassion, I probed a little further about her childhood and she remembered something very specifically (a toxic seed).
"When I was 13 I asked my mom if I can start dating and she sat me down to say 'Honey, guys don't ask fat girls out. They are only interested in skinny girls."
This stayed with her in her subconscious, and the minute a man (whom she instinctively knew was not right for her) came along and proposed, she said yes because according to that seed that took root, this was going to be the one and only opportunity for her to be with someone.
Here's where some of the bigger twists and turns of the subconscious showed up...she discovered that she was also holding onto the weight as one huge "F U" to her mother...unknowingly rebelling against the person who was constantly criticizing her about her weight and also proving "SEE?! You don't have to be skinny to have a guy!"
She also realized that not only had she had married a version of her mother (and in her mind was still living with her), but that her subconscious rebellion she was also creating a huge "F U" to herself and her health...therefore negating all of her efforts.
As she continued to uncover all of these subconscious reasons as to why her body was holding extra weight in the first place, she started to shed many held emotions...which has also begun the process of shedding of actual physical pounds.
I asked for nonjudgmental in reading this because everyone has some version of this going on in their lives. Where a seed was planted, absorbed, and grew, which is adversely affecting efforts, growth, creation, health, or happiness. In this case it was her parent and you can easily say "what a terrible parent" but her mom was only repeating what was directly communicated to her during her own upbringing.
These kinds of seeds can come from a teacher, religious figure, sibling, friend, stranger...anyone! And you don't know because it is happening underneath your consciousness...in your subconscious...where 95% of our decisions, choices and actions come from.
What adverse seeds are living in you, and impacting your life today?